Monday, June 2, 2014


An original system of gentle but powerful soft tissue mobilization that affects the body both structurally and energetically to restore its self.
One motto of the technique is "Less is more" and the therapist must sense when enough has been done.
It is a system of subtle and precise mobilizations called "Bowen moves" over muscles, tendons, nerves and fascia. The moves are performed using the thumbs and fingers applying only gentle, non invasive pressure. A treatment consists of a series of specific sequences of moves called procedures, with frequent pauses to allow time for the body to respond.

The art of Bowen is somewhere between the art of Zen calligraphy and Homeopathic medicine. The practitioner must strive to do the minimum of moves or procedures to trigger in the body the desired self healing response. Doing too many mobilizations could actually be counteractive. The sicker the patient is or the more acute the condition is, the less is done during the session and the less pressure will be used to do the moves, the more profound the effect will be on the body.

The following list of diagnosed conditions comes from claims of patients worldwide that found relief from such conditions:

• Musculo skeletal conditions of the spine and limbs: acute or chronic, post traumatic or post surgery or from a more arthritic origin (lumbar, thoracic, cervical pain and related muscle spasms and loss of mobility).
• Sports injuries: ankles, shin splints, runner knees, adductors and hamstrings strain, rotator cuff injuries, tennis elbows....
• Pelvic imbalances: tilt, leg length, hip pain and imbalance, inguinal and groin pain.
• Frozen shoulder: capsulitis, rotator cuff, arthritis.
• Whiplash from car accidents: receiving Bowen treatment immediately following a whiplash will greatly speed up recovery.
• Sacro iliac pain and imbalances: post traumatic or related to pregnancy.
• Coccyx pain: from trauma or after giving birth.
• Migraine/headaches from stress and tension, structural and postural imbalance or digestive origin.
• Hamstrings: tension, stiffness and strain.
• Pregnancy: before (to help the body go through all the changes associated with pregnancy and help prepare for labor), during labor (to facilitate labor) and after birth for the mother (quicker recovery) and the baby (crankiness, colic, projectile vomiting...)
• TMJ: pain and tension in the jaw.
• Knee pain: meniscus, strain.
• Ankle: strain, sprain.
• Elbow:related to tennis, golf or computer use.
• Sterno costal pain from sprung or cracked rib.
• Sciatica
• Herniated disks
• Chronic pain syndrome, Fibromyalgia...
• Menstrual pain, irregular cycle, PMS.
• Breast pain: related to PMS, mastitis, irregular milk supply.
• Carpal tunnel and Repetitive stress injury.
• Digestive problems: constipation, diarrhea, liver/gall bladder congestion and pain
• Bed wetting.
• Respiratory conditions: Asthma, hay fever allergies, emphysema, cold & flu , sinus congestion. A Bowen treatment at the first signs of a cold can very often stop it from developing.
• Kidney: water retention, stone, assist kidney function.
• Foot pain: hammer toes, halux valgus (bunion), plantar fasciatis...
• Incontinence (adult)
• Prostate.
• Infertility: male or female
• Scoliosis and kyphosis pain.
• ADD/Hyperactivity.
• Neurological conditions: Bell's palsy, cerebral palsy, polio, stroke, muscular dystrophy, Parkinson, torticolis, multiple sclerosis...... these conditions over repeated series of sessions will respond to varying degrees depending on severity. Often patients have show gradual improvement of their condition and of their quality of life.
• Heart conditions: chest pain, angina...
• Detox from drugs: I have seen patient's detoxifying even after years of not using any drug.

Note: Often patients come to the Bowen Technique after having tried many other modalities to no avail. If a patient has not responded to other forms of therapy, it is always worth giving the Bowen Technique a try as it has shown to trigger in many sometimes surprising and unexpected recovery when nothing else had worked. A young man in France in his early twenties who was born with the right half of his body paralyzed and spastic was able to recover full use of his right arm and write with his right hand after receiving 10 Bowen sessions !

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