Green tea has been used for its medicinal benefits for over 4000 years. It is rich in Calechin polyphenols which is a powerful antioxidant.
It inhibits the growth of cancer cells and kills them without harming good cells and stops the abnormal formation of blood clots.
The reason why green tea has such special benefits is because the tea leaves are steamed. The process prevents the EGCG ( epigallocatechin gallate) from being oxidized.
Green tea also stimulates the metabolism to burn fat.
White tea is made from tea buds before they are fully grown when they still have the white silvery fuzz covering the buds.
The leaves are only steamed and not processed further and so therefore they contain more pholyphenols which fight to eliminate cancer cells.
White tea is more potent in it's effects than green tea.
So I hear you ask how you can put your knowledge of green and white tea to good use!
what I do is to drink either one just before exercise, as they increase the Metabolic rate for up to an hour after consumption and therefore the body will burn more fat during the exercise period. You could also add green or white tea to your water for use during your exercise if your exercise lasts longer than an hour.
I also have green or white tea after every meal in order to speed up the digestion and fat burning process. It is a potent Antioxidant and a necessary part of one's daily diet so try and drink as much of it as you can.
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