Thursday, February 17, 2011

White Fruits and vegatables

I have recently recovered from a cold, which normally would have left me with a prolonged coughing phase, however I have for the first time eliminated that from the equation all together and with out any medication.

I have used White vegetables and fruits in order to combat prolonged sickness through colds and flu and to balance and boost my immune system.

Every one knows that Vitamin C helps and assists in over coming common colds, however you will find that these days Vitamin C alone is not enough.  Try the following with your food and use them raw in your salads.

Mushrooms, White Onion, Cauliflower, Ginger and Turnips.

They contain Beta-Glucans which balance and boost the immune system. They also assist White Blood cells. You can use all the above mentioned raw in salad or you can make them in to soup. what better way to recover quickly without all the strong medications out there.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

What to have Before exercise

Before my run today I am having Beet root salad with Fennel and Lime.


Beet root reduces the amount of Oxygen the body requires for exercise by around 20 to 30%!!
Which means that you feel less exhausted during your exercise. That followed by Green tea which raises the Metabolic rate means that you burn more fat and feel less tired..

The perfect combination every time.

Other benefits of Beet root are that it is rich in Vitamin's  A,C, B6, Calcium, Iron Folic Acid and Fiber.
Beet root is rich in Betacyamin which gives it the rich Purple colour. It is a very powerful Cancer fighting agent and known to protect against Colon Cancer and Liver disorder.

Use beet root on its own, in salads or juice it with lime and mint.
I have created a range of cocktail juice for before and after exercise for Red Dragon Gym.
Check out their web site at

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Anti Wrinkle Creams

Do Anti Wrinkle creams really work?

Research shows that creams and Oils really only penetrate deep enough to have an effect on the surface of the skin, and that real change in the skin has to come from within. So the answer has to be No.
Your diet and what you eat is very important if you are going to make any real change to the condition of your skin. Expensive Creams are only beneficial to their manufacturers as they bring in Big profits.

So get down to the super market and stock up on fresh vegetables and fruits instead!